Tuesday, December 2, 2014

30 Days - Episode 01 — Grounded, two siblings find a way to cope

The Night Before Day One

A black, two-door Honda Accord pulled into the driveway with the headlights off and without the stereo playing. As soon as it reached its spot, the engine was shut off. Brian and Mira sat in the front seat and held their breath, waiting for the lights in the one-story house to come on and their parents to come and stand at the front door. Neither happened.

"Do you think they heard us?" Mira asked.

Brian was looking the house over for signs of activity. There was none. "No, I don't think so."

Mira collected her belongings into her bag. She stopped and looked over at Brian. "Do you think they know we're late?"

Brian was still checking the house. "That," he said, "I don't know." He paused. "It's all your fault anyways." Purposefully, he didn't look at her as he took the keys from the ignition.

Their curfew had been about an hour and a half ago. Brian had spent most of that hour and a half searching for his sister (well, step-sister) at the party they were now returning from. She had to have been off with some fucking guy the whole time. Though Brian had no concrete proof of that.

"Sorry," she mumbled at him. "I was...occupied."

"Yeah, I figured."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Defensive. What's it any of your fuckin' business anyway?

"Nothing," he said, opening his door gently. "Come on. And don't slam the door." They got out of the car and Brian started towards the front door of the house.

"Psst!" Mira hissed, trying to quietly get his attention. He stopped and looked back at her.

"No," she spoke in a forced whisper, "the front door is too close to their bedroom. They'll hear it. Come on, I left my window unlocked. We can get in that way."

Brian nodded and started moving back towards her. It made sense. The house had three bedrooms. The biggest, their parents room, was at the right end of the house, maybe ten feet away from the front door. Brian and Mira's bedrooms were at the opposite end of the house.

They tiptoed around the side of the house. "I assume you've done this before," Brian sarcastically commented, whispering.

"Yeah," she replied glancing back at him momentarily, then added evasively, "once or twice."

They turned at the back corner of the house and started moving along the rear wall. Mira stopped suddenly, making Brian almost fall over her.

Shit. "What? Why did you stop?"

"The light," Mira whispered. "The light is on in their bedroom. See?" She pointed to the window ahead. Light was glowing and spilling out into the dark night, creating a large, yellow rectangle on the grass that gradually faded into the black as it got further from its source.

"Shit!" Brian whispered. "What do we do? They're up. They fucking know we're not home."

"I don't know," Mira replied. She was quiet while she thought about it. "I say we just go ahead and sneak in. Then just hope for the best. Maybe tomorrow they'll assume they just didn't hear us come in."

Brian wasn't sure. "You really think that could happen?"

Mira shrugged. "I don't know. What I do know is if we just walk in now, then we're definitely in trouble. At least this way there's a chance, even if it is wishful thinking."

Brian pondered her thought for several seconds. Having decided that she was probably right, he nodded his head in agreement. It won't fucking work, but at least this way there was a sliver of chance to not be in trouble.

"Okay," Mira said. "Come on."

She started inching her way along the rear of the house and Brian followed. They took light, soft steps, conscious and on the lookout for any obstacle that might give them away, like stepping on a branch or something. They made it right up to the glowing window when Mira stopped again.

"I'm gonna see what's going on in there. Maybe they fell asleep with the light on or something."

Brian didn't think that was likely to have been the case, but nodded his head in agreement anyways. Mira took a few deep breaths, steadying her nerves. Then, slowly, very slowly, she moved her head to peek around the side of the window. She quickly snapped it back though.

"What?" Brian asked. "What is it? Are they awake?"

Mira nodded her head while she calmed down enough to tell him. She looked at him. "They're having sex."

Brian was stunned for a second. Wasn't expecting that. "What?"

Mira leaned forward so she could whisper in his ear. "I said they're in there fucking." She pulled back away from him and watched for his reaction.

He didn't know if it was the idea of the sex evidently going on in there or it was the way Mira's breath whispered 'fucking' in his ear, but he got a little hard right then. "Really?" he asked. Mira nodded. He looked at her. Then to the window.

"Here," Mira whispered, "see for yourself." She scooted to move out of the way. Sliding in front of him, the curve of her ass brushed against the bulge developing in his pants. She paused for a split second in that instant, but finished her move.

Brian looked at her again, unsure. What was that? These sorts of things never happened to him. He wouldn't even have been here to witness any of this if it hadn't been for Mira and her party. On any other given Friday, he probably wouldn't have gone anywhere.

She nodded him on, and he stepped into the same position Mira had just stepped away from. He peered around the side of the window.

Holy shit.

The view he had was of the bed from its left side, four or five feet away. His stepmother, Tyran, was laying on her back in the middle of the bed. His father, Ralph, was on top, his arms propping his torso above her like he was at the apex of a push-up while he pumped into her from between her spread legs. Ralph had a fairly rapid tempo going and the force of his penetrations forced Tyran's legs to flail wildly around in the air while, at the same time, her firm, plump tits bounced and rebounded back and forth.

Brian had always thought that the shapely 37-year-old was alluringly beautiful. Her long, light brown hair, wistfully highlighted with various shades of blonde, was always just right, without looking like it was trying to. She had these sparkling blue eyes that always seemed just on the edge of flirty when she looked at you. Well, to me, anyways. Her body, though he never really saw her exercise, seemed completely toned. A lot of women, he noticed, wanted to kill her for it. And most men, he knew, would kill to be on it. In some of his more interesting dreaming at night while he slept, he had been all over it once or twice. Though, this was the first time he had ever seen her without any clothes on. And it was entrancing.

Mira moved to the far side of the window and stealthily leaned in past the frame so she could watch, too. Though the windows were sound insulated, the look on her mom's face and the back and forth of arching her back to thrusting her hips up to meet each thrust looked to Mira like she was having an orgasm.

Brian glanced over at Mira, who kept her eyes on the action. The five-and-a-half foot blonde was absently tracing her fingertips around the black tube top over her perky breasts. Her nipples were hard, and she seemed to be focusing her light touch on them.

Brian looked back into the bedroom. He was getting aroused, too. His cock was hardening, looking at his stepmother getting fucked. It was wildly stimulating, watching like this. Much more than any of the porn he had.

His father slammed hard into Tyran's body and held his cock in her. Then pulled back and slammed hard, holding in buried again. And again, one last time.

Mira watched as her stepfather collapsed, spent, down on top of her mother. Tyran wrapped her arms around him, soothingly stroking his hair, and she finally let her legs down to rest on the bed.

Mira paid attention when he immediately pulled out of the arms and rolled off her mom, his deflating shaft pulling out of her and into Mira and Brian's sight. Ralph - his cock - was average. Completely average. Really, it's slightly smaller than average, I would think. Fuck. Mira was kind of disappointed. It seemed so anti-climatic. The way her mom looked to be carrying on as she was being fucked, Mira thought that he had to have been packing a huge cock. Or maybe her mom was just trying to make him think he was. Sorry, Mom.

Out of curiosity, a stray thought flashed in her mind. She looked over and down at Brian's crotch. There was definitely a bulge there. Hard to tell how big he is, though. She didn't really know why she'd even care, it just seemed like an appropriate time to wonder about it for a moment.

"Come on," Mira whispered, "let's get inside before they can leave the bedroom."

When they reached the window in Mira's room, she knelt down and produced a flathead screwdriver from some hidden spot that Brian wasn't really paying attention to. She used it to raise the window up from the sill enough to get her fingers under it, then quickly lifted it up the rest of the way.

"Shit, Mira," Brian scoffed as she handed him the screwdriver, "do this a lot, do you?"

"Give me a hand," Mira whispered. Brian lifted her up and she climbed through the window. Brian followed right on her heels.

Mira walked quietly over to her door and cracked it open, looking out in the hall. "All clear," she whispered. Brian nodded and with his own quick glances confirming hers, he stepped out into the hall and moved as quick as he could to his room directly across the hall.

Once inside, he sat down on his bed. The image of his stepmother being fucked playing in a loop on the little screen in his head. He felt his cock starting to get hard again. After he stripped out of his clothes, he turned out the light and rested back on his bed.

Taking his hard cock in his hand, Brian began to slowly stroke it as the loop cycled back to the beginning of the sex scene he had just witnessed.

Mira, in her room, had changed out of her party clothes and into a pajama top and loose, Scooby-Doo boxers. Her tight little frame reached up into the top of her closet and took an old shoebox from the back. Mira carried it over to her bed and climbed onto the mattress.

Laying back on her bed, Mira snaked her right hand down her stomach and inside the boxers. She hadn't bothered with panties, so immediately her fingers dropped into the hot folds of her sex. She rubbed herself slowly, small bursts of sensation making her body squirm on the bed.

Brian was stroking more rapidly now. His hand moved to match the motion of Tyran being pounded that he was seeing in his head. It was no longer his dad, but it was him now in the memory with her. He saw those round, full tits, bouncing, moving below him as he fucked her from on top. She held her legs up in the air and they had hopped around at each and every thrust.

Mira raised her hips off the mattress and pushed the boxers down to her ankles with her left hand and her legs while she kept rubbing her clit with the right. Eyes closed and mouth open with staggered breathing, Mira's left hand reached over, found the shoebox and opened it. Feeling around inside, she found and took out her dildo.

While her right hand continued its labial massage, she moved the 6", relatively thick, black rubber cock down to her pussy. Coating the tip of it with some of her copious fluids, Mira put the tip of it at her entrance and steadily buried the whole length inside her.

Brian was stroking furiously now. He was close to exploding. He saw Tyran having her orgasm, arching her back, thrusting her hips, thrusting her tits up into the air, pushing up into him with her hips. Then he came, grunting through gritted teeth. Blasts of the creamy fluid landing and coalescing all over his torso.

He was breathing heavily from his orgasm. In his mind, Tyran was radiant after she came, laying there holding her spent lover. Kissing him all over, telling him how much she loved his cock in her. Fuck, the imagination has never been that vivid before. Shit.

Having gathered his breath, he climbed out of bed, found his shirt on the floor and wiped himself off with it. He tossed it, and the other clothes he had worn into a hamper in the corner before returning to his bed and climbing under the covers.

Mira's right hand had switched from rubbing her clit to fucking herself hard with the dildo. Her left hand had unbuttoned enough of the pajama top to uncover her naked tits, which she now rubbed, squeezed and teased. Her body lurched up when the first blast of her orgasm exploded and she landed on her side. Her hand was still trying to fuck her with the dildo, but was being prevented from doing so by the thighs squeezed together that had locked her arm in place.

She lay there for a minute, without moving, after her orgasm had subsided. She was breathing, panting heavily, and slightly, soothingly, in the afterglow her hand was still caressing her soft breast.

Mira slowly pulled the toy out of her, and felt it's disappearance from inside of her. God, that thing is so much better than Stephen. 'Seven inches isn't that big if it's a pencil, and doesn't matter at all if you can't use it for longer than two minutes, asshole'. She put it back in the box, then pulled the boxers back up into place. Rolling over to the edge of the bed, she slid the box under it. She didn't feel like getting up to put it back in the closet. Mira got under the covers and soon fell into a pleasant sleep.


Day One - Saturday

11:34 AM

Brian woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes a little and looked at the clock on his nightstand through a thin haze that hadn't yet disappeared from his eyes. It read 11:34. 'Hell' upside down. He wondered if he should take it as a sign. He hoped not.

After waiting for his morning wood to subside and putting on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, Brian emerged from his room to be hit with the aroma of food cooking. But he had to visit the bathroom first.

Brian saw Tyran at the stove cooking when, after having relieved himself, he went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. He immediately realized that he couldn't see her the same way as he always had. Not after watching her last night.

Where before he might not have even noticed it, now he was wishing the top of the robe she wore could open just the slightest bit more so that he could glimpse what he knew were bare breasts underneath. Before, he probably wouldn't have even glanced down, but now, his eyes followed the graceful concave curve at the small of her back flow out into the smooth convex curve of her ass. If it was yesterday morning, it might not have ever occurred to him that when she took a step, as she just had to get butter from the refrigerator, the bottom half of her robe opened up the middle revealing the slightest bit of an inner thigh. Now, though, he knew that it would be just the few, tortuous inches from the top of that gap that he would fantasize moving his hand through for the next few hours.

"Good morning," Brian said, taking his eyes from her body and moving toward the coffee pot.

She looked over her shoulder to him and smiled. "Good morning, Brian. Looks like everybody is getting a late start today, huh?"

'Late start'? Ha. Yeah, in the middle of the night, you were getting fucked and I was whacking off because of it. "I guess so," he answered, pouring coffee. "But on the other hand, it is Saturday."

Tyran smiled, with an oddly inserted cute little twitch of her nose as if she was signaling to him that she had heard his thought, and shrugged as she turned her attention back to the food on the stove. "Fair enough. This'll be ready in about ten minutes."

"Cool," he said, a little uncomfortably, shifting his feet and changing the subject from his current line of thinking. "Where's Dad?"

"Oh, he went to the gas station to get a newspaper. Ours wasn't out there this morning."

"Oh. That's weird."

"Yeah, I think Mira is in there watching TV, though, if you wanted to sit until this is ready."

"Yeah," Brian said, making his way from the kitchen, "I think I'll do that."

Mira was sitting on one end of the couch in the living room, with her bare legs curled up under her and a blanket over them. Her normally straight blonde hair was chaotic from sleep and she was blowing her bangs out of her eyes. Looney Tunes were playing on the TV. She looked up when she noticed Brian walk in. He sat down on the other end of the couch.

"Cartoons?" he asked teasingly. "Really?"

"Hey," she answered, and continued as if issuing him a serious life lesson, "you're never too old for Daffy Duck."

Brian chuckled, but soon became serious. He looked back towards the kitchen to be sure nobody could hear them. Mira saw him do it and did the same. "Anything?" he asked in a hush, leaning in towards her a little.

Mira shook her head. "No. I've been down here for half an hour now and neither one of them said anything or acted mad or anything."

Brian let out a sigh. "Good."

"Yeah," Mira agreed. "I think we're okay."

The sound of the front door opening made them jump and they both looked to see. Ralph walked through it, fresh newspaper in hand.

"Hey, Dad," Brian greeted him.

"Morning, son," he replied. "Food ready yet?"

"Should be."

"Good. I'm starving." He headed into the kitchen.

Brian looked at Mira and she smiled back. "See?" she said.

Brian was pleasantly surprised that it had worked. "Alright," he shrugged. "Awesome." The two got up and joined their parents at the dining room table.


"So," Ralph began as he ate a piece of bacon, "did you two have fun last night?"

Brian glanced across the table to Mira, the look in her eyes told him to be cool and just play along with it. "Yeah," he replied, "it was alright."

"What time did you make it back?"

"Um, a few minutes after midnight, I think, right?" Mira answered, looking to Brian to back her up.

"Yeah," he said, nodding, "sounds about right." Brian nervously filled his mouth with a bite of toast.

"Hmmm," Ralph said, taking in the reply. "You know, it's funny, I looked out in the driveway around one and your car wasn't there."

Brian and Mira were silent. Then Brian dropped his head in defeat. "It was probably closer to one-thirty," he conceded.

Ralph looked to Tyran who just sat silently. She wasn't going to interrupt to either participate or challenge her husband.

"That's a bit past your curfew, isn't it?" Ralph asked.

"Yes, sir."

Ralph was quiet for a minute as he looked to his son and his stepdaughter. Then he declared, "You two are grounded for a month."

"What?!?" Brian and Mira seemed to say at the same time.

"Thirty days. I told you the last time you were late, Mira," he said as he pointed a menacing finger at her, "that I wouldn't let it slide the next time."

"But-" Mira started before she was interrupted.

"No, buts," Ralph stuck in.

"But Dad, it wasn't even my fault," Brian interjected. "I wouldn't have been late if I hadn't had to search for Mira for an hour and a half. What was I supposed to do? Leave her?"

"It makes no difference," Ralph dismissed him, "the two of you were responsible for each other. One late, both late. You should have been more responsible."

"I didn't even want to go to that stupid party anyways!" Brian was yelling. "And now I get in trouble for it?!?"

Mira spoke up. "What about Spring Break?"

Ralph looked at her. "I was still going to let you two go on your trips. But then, the both of you sat here and lied to me instead of owning up to the truth. So now, those are off, too."

"What? That's not fair," Brian pleaded.

Mira looked over to her mom, who was still silently eating, for some assistance. "Mom?"

Tyran looked at her daughter sympathetically, but somewhat reluctantly she just shook her head. She wasn't going to intercede.

 "Your mother and I have already discussed this," Ralph told Mira. "It's already been decided. Nowhere but school and home for the next month unless you are going somewhere with the family, like church. No car, Brian. And no Spring Break trips for either of you."

"I can't believe this," Brian said, standing up with a bolt. He stared down at Mira, seething. Then turned and stormed away from the kitchen. A few seconds later, the sound of his bedroom door slamming came echoing down the hallway.

Mira looked at her stepfather and her mother again. And without a further word, she stood up and left the table, too. She walked down the hallway and stopped at Brian's door. Grabbing the door handle, she found it locked. She knocked lightly at the door. "Brian?"

There was just silence.

She knocked again. "Brian?"

"Get away from my door, Mira!"

She dropped her head, and her eyes began to water. Turning away from his door, Mira walked across the hall to hers and went into her bedroom.


Brian blew out a frustrated sigh. He decided he might as well go ahead and call his best friend. He didn't really see there being any chance of getting out of his punishment. It didn't really sound like his dad would even be willing to listen to an appeal, let alone consider one.

He launched himself up out of his desk chair, sending it rolling backwards across the room in recoil and it knocked a stack of discs off of a small file cabinet. He looked at the accident and rolled his eyes. Action and reaction, another fucking thing to go wrong. He grabbed his cell off the nightstand, plopped down onto the bed and dialed Mark's number.

"Bri!" Mark answered. "What's up man? All packed? We're out of this shithole in 24 hours!" There was the sound of other people in the background being loud.

"I can't go," Brian stated flatly.

"What?" Mark's voice got a little louder as if he was having a hard time hearing the conversation. Brian figured he was probably covering his other ear as well. "What do you mean you can't go? We've been planning this for six months!"

Brian sighed again in frustration at his situation and now having to explain it. "Dad just grounded me. And Mira."

"For what?" There was a pause, then him yelling at the loud people to 'shut the fuck up!'.

"Breaking curfew last night. And lying about it."

"What? You went to that party? Why? We don't go to those parties, with those people."

Mark was right, of course. Brian and his friends usually didn't associate much with the crowd of 'populars' that Mira seemed part of. A little shallow, they always explained when asked about the 'populars', but Brian knew the truth was that most of the 'unpopulars' wouldn't have the chance to go to those parties, even if they wanted to. Brian, himself, didn't really feel an integral part of either side, just kind of ended up where he ended up.

"They wouldn't let Mira go if I didn't go along, and she begged me. So I went. Then I couldn't find her and we got back over an hour late."

"Well, can't you-"

"Look! I can't fucking go! Alright?!?" Brian interrupted at a volume just below yelling.

"Okay, okay," Mark backed off.

Brian hung up and tossed his phone back onto the nightstand. He fell back and stretched out on the bed. He still couldn't believe his dad had been so harsh.

He wasn't always like that. He was pretty cool, before Brian's mom died. And for a little while after that. Ralph had still disciplined him when he did something wrong back then, but the emphasis was more on realizing why whatever he did was wrong. Not deterrence by incarceration.

Then, about five years ago, Brian's mom went over a hillside after hitting a patch of ice in her car and losing control of it. She died on impact.

Ralph, an agnostic professor of religious studies (at that time, anyways), was lost for a while and started to seek out the church more and more, the one where his wife had gone. The one where he had only really been a 'social' Christian at before. After a while, because of his profession, he was asked to run a bible study group, and the members of the church were so impressed by the faith he had grown, and the knowledge he already had, that when the pastor retired, they asked Ralph to take his place. Brian's dad had taken this as sort of a sign. He accepted.

Then he started emulating what everyone thought a pastor was supposed to be like. In a fundamentalist congregation anyways. Eventually, a little while after he remarried, he became that person, taking as his role model, it seemed, the God of the Old Testament: authoritatively demanding strict obedience and delivering swift, vengeful wrath when he didn't get it.

Brian admitted that his dad wasn't like that every minute of every day, but did take on the role enough times for it to be looked at as a significant part of his personality now.

And now Brian sat here, punished. A tough sentence imposed. Because of Mira.

Mira. How different was that now? Hmpf.

A little over four years ago, before their parents got married, she was his girlfriend and had been for over a year. Though they were young, they were older than their years, more mature than most kids their age, and knew what love was. And that they had it.

Tyran was a single mother, working hard to support herself and Mira, the child she had gotten pregnant with in high school and gave birth to at the tender age of 16. But getting by was hard for them. Brian helped when he could. Stuff around the house, chores. Buying things for Mira, ordering pizza in a subtle way when Tyran would come home tired from work and Brian and Mira were just doing their homework. Just things to help. In whatever way he might.

Ralph met Mira's mother in one of the study groups he taught. And they got to know each other because the kids spent so much time together. About a year after his wife had died, Ralph and Tyran were married. And she and Mira moved in to Brian's home.

For a split second, Brian was excited about his love moving into his very own house. Until it was decided that, even though they had been dating since before all this happened, the parents, especially his dad, couldn't have a step-brother and a step-sister dating. That was just wrong. Families didn't do that, and they were a family now. Besides, they were young. They didn't really know what love was, and couldn't really be expected to stay together for the rest of their unknown lives anyways. Every way any excuse could be used to justify their decision, the parents used it.

It was hard for the kids, but eventually they grew to accept this new arrangement. Mira found a new group of friends when she joined the tennis team at high school and started dating. She became less mature with her popularity and more 'in the moment'. Brian forced himself to stop thinking about it by diving into computers and software programming, which came with its own group of friends. He didn't really date, though. Everyone told him he had become introverted and cynical.

And now here they were. One of Mira's parties, with some of Mira's friends and one of Mira's guys, had cost him his Spring Break. He couldn't believe that, essentially, he was being punished because he was nice enough to wait for her while his ex-girlfriend was off fucking some guy.

How different it all had become.


Day Two - Sunday

3:24 PM

Mira stood at the window in her bedroom. She watched as Brian was finishing his mowing in the back yard. He shut the lawnmower down and sat in the grass along the edge of the large pond that cut through the corner of their property.

Brian had started the yard work as soon as the family had returned from church three hours ago, and hadn't even come inside for a drink or anything in that time. He was avoiding her. And now, as she watched him sitting, shirtless, soaked in sweat, she wondered why he was still just out there in the sun. Why not cool off in the pond? Or sit in the shade of the gazebo their parents had built on the shore? Maybe he was trying not to do anything that might invite company. Her company. He was still avoiding her.

Mira stepped away from the window and went to lay down on her bed. She stared up at the ceiling. She had to figure a way to fix this. She knew it was her fault, and it wasn't like they were especially close, anymore, but she couldn't take this wall that had been erected between them. She had to find a way to break it down.

There came a knock at her door. "Come in," Mira called out.

Tyran opened the door and walked in. "Hey, honey," she smiled.

Mira propped herself up on her elbows. "Hey, mom," she sighed.

"Everything alright?"

Mira glanced over to her window, then back at her mom. She didn't have to say anything.

"Just give it time, Mira. Everything will work itself out."

"I guess," Mira said, without much enthusiasm.

"Well, Ralph and I are leaving for that cookout at the church. Just wanted to see if you wanted to go."

Mira shook her head.

"Didn't think you would," Tyran spoke knowingly. "Alright, well, we should be back around nine or ten, depending on how long the evening service runs. You gonna be okay here?"

Mira nodded. "Yeah. I'll probably just read that book I got to read on the beach."


"Have fun, mom," Mira said, dropping back down flat on the bed.

"I'll try," Tyran said, stepping out of the room. "See you tonight." She closed the door.

The beach. Mira had been excited to go. She was 18 now and it was going to be her first trip without parents around. Just her and her friends. She had bought a popular romance novel from the bestsellers list to read while she tanned on the sand. Now she would be reading it at her house. She thought of other things she had bought for the trip when an idea hit her.

She looked at her alarm clock. It was about twenty minutes to four. That meant a good five hours before the parents would be back. Maybe she did have a way to break the ice.

Mira sat up. After pulling her hair back into a ponytail with a hair band from her nightstand, she stood and started undoing the buttons down the front of her dress. She let it fall to the floor on her way to the closet, where, after removing her bra and panties, she dug around for clothes to change into.


3:52 PM

Mira peeked through the curtains of the bay window that looked out on the front yard and the driveway. Only Brian's car was there. The parents were gone. She checked the deadbolt in the front door. It was usually always set, at her mother's insistence, especially when the kids were home alone. And it was.

Making sure she had everything, Mira turned through the kitchen and exited through the back door. As soon as she was outside, she put her hands behind her back, so that Brian couldn't see what she was carrying. But she didn't see him now. He wasn't sitting where she had seen him last. But she didn't see the lawnmower, either. She looked to the right, towards the small toolshed. The door was open.

Mira walked over and stood in the doorway. Brian was inside, facing away from her. Her shadow, though, made him turn to see who it was that stood there. He saw it was her, and just turned back to what he was doing.

Brian was wrestling with himself in his mind. On the one hand, he was mad at her, and had a legitimate right to be. But on the other, he could scarcely resist her presence. The way she looked right now - her blonde ponytail with bangs in her face, the loose high school tennis t-shirt haphazardly tucked in the front of her denim shorts, but hanging down in the back over her ass, her flip-flops and her little red toenails - Mira was his perfect image for the girl next door. She always had been, when she wasn't trying to impress everyone else. And, her leaning against the doorframe there, with her hands behind her back, her chest stuck out the slightest bit more. Whether she realized it or not, she wasn't playing fair.

"Brian?" Mira said tentatively.


"Come on, Brian. I know you're mad at me, but will you just talk to me?"

More silence.

"Fine then, just listen. Look, I'm sorry. You know I am. I know it was all my fault. You were nice enough to go so that I could go to the party and I just got us into trouble. I tried to tell them, you heard me tell them."

Brian dropped his head, but he still wasn't looking at her. Or speaking.

But Mira just continued. "I'll find some way to make it right. Maybe you and I can go after graduation. I'll even pay or whatever. But we're going to be stuck here all week together, and I don't think I could take this the whole time, so, I came here to apologize. Again."

Brian sighed. He stood up and turned to face her. He looked, but still hadn't spoken a word. What upset him more than losing his spring break was the fact that he lost it because he had to wait while Mira was off with some guy. But he'd never let her know that. And he had to accept that without her knowing that, she didn't know the whole situation, so it might not be that fair to hold it against her. She would just have to think it was about the trip.

Mira smiled. Him turning is progress, at least. "I brought a peace offering," she said. When he didn't reply, she pulled her hands from behind her back. In the right hand were two shot glasses. In the left was a bottle of tequila.

Brian was surprised. "Where'd you get that?"

Mira smiled big now that he had finally said something. "I got it to take to the beach. But, you know..." She shrugged.

"What about the parents?"

"Oh, they left about fifteen minutes ago. Mom said they wouldn't be home until after church tonight. Around nine or ten, so that gives us some time."

Brian thought for a few seconds, then relented with a nod, but still without a smile. "Yeah. I could go for a drink."

Mira sighed, relieved. "Good. Thank you," she said. "Come on." She turned and left the doorway, and Brian followed her to the shaded gazebo.

They sat down sideways on two of the white, wooden lounge chairs, facing each other across a little table in between them. Mira set the glasses down and poured a shot of Cuervo into each. "To you," Mira said, raising her shot glass. Brian nodded and held his up too, before they both drank them.

"I was serious, Brian," Mira said, pouring two more. "I'd pay for gas and everything if you still wanted to go to Dallas. I feel really, really bad that you didn't get to go. Because of me." They drank the shots and Mira poured them two more.

"We weren't going to Dallas," Brian mentioned as she poured.

Mira looked at him, confused, while she set the bottle down. "I thought you all were going to that place - Dealey Plaza - where JFK was killed?"

"Yeah, that's what I said, but-" he tossed the shot down his throat, "but that's not where we were going." The last half of that sentence being said with an exasperated growl as the alcohol burned its way down.

Mira drank hers, then said, "Wow. Okay, sneaky, where were you actually going to go?"


Mira started laughing, surprised. "Really?"

Brian nodded.

"Wow. I'm getting warm," Mira said, standing up. She pulled her t-shirt off, revealing a baby blue bikini top underneath. It was fairly conservative, tying with strings around the back and around the neck, holding snugly around her perky, slightly-more-than-a-handful, breasts.

Brian did a double-take, having been thrown off guard. "Whoa!"


"Just wasn't expecting that. I'm fine now."

"Okay." She kicked her flip-flops off and started to undo her shorts. Brian couldn't help but watch her as she stood up, her toned body and smooth skin barely a foot or two from his eyes.

"Why did you even put the clothes on if you were just going to take them off? I mean, we're at home, not at the beach or something," Brian asked, quickly averting his eyes when he saw her catch him staring.

"Well," she undid the zipper, "I didn't know if you were gonna let me stay." She pushed the small, denim shorts down her legs. "And I wasn't sure my self-esteem could take it if a guy rejected me when I was half-naked." She grinned at him as she kicked the shorts under her chair and sat back down. The bottoms were the same blue as the top, and tied at the hips in the same way.

"I'm gonna go cool off," Mira said. "You coming?"


They stood up and Mira walked the ten feet from the gazebo to their little pier on the pond and dove into the water. Brian watched her shapely ass as she did, and only after she went in did he take off his shoes and socks and jumped in to join her.


6:03 PM

"Can I ask you something?" Mira said. The way she looked up at him, slightly nervous, gave the impression that it wasn't going to be his favorite color that she was wondering about.

"I guess," Brian replied.

"Here," she handed him a shot of tequila. They both did their shots, then chased them down with second ones.

"Whoa, shit," Brian groaned as the alcohol burned its way to his stomach. "Okay, what were you going to ask?"

"Why do you lock your room at night?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last night when I was going to try to talk to you, I kinda understood why it was. Then I remembered, a couple of nights ago, I was coming to ask you something, and when I went to turn the handle, it was locked."

"What did you want to ask?"

"I don't remember. Doesn't matter now. I just found the locked door weird and wondered if there was a specific reason."

Brian looked at the ground. He thought of how to answer that. He wasn't sure of how she might react to the answer. Some people were weird about things.

In the meantime, Mira set them up with a few more shots, and after about his fifth one, Brian finally answered, feeling the beginning of the effects of intoxication and not really caring about how she might take it. "I sleep in the nude."

"What?" Mira asked, lost at this point.

"The reason I lock the door at night," he explained.

"Oh. You sleep in the nude? Like, totally naked?" She had perked up now, speaking in surprised excitement.

Brian nodded.

Mira let it sink in for a minute. "Why?" she asked. "Is it because you're 18 and all those hormones and stuff?"

"What!? No. It's just more comfortable."


"I lock the door so nobody walks in. Sometimes I have to get up and get something. I don't bother covering up if I'm not leaving my room."

Mira thought for another moment. "Is it because you don't want to be embarrassed or something? If someone walked in on you or whatever?"

Brian shook his head. "I don't lock the door for me. I lock it for everyone else. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or anything. Truth is, I wouldn't find it embarrassing. If I was sure it wouldn't bother anyone, I'd probably be naked more often. Out in the open. I just feel more comfortable. Totally get nudists."

Mira looked at her step-brother. "Have you ever been naked in front of anyone?"

"Well, no," he admitted.

"Then how can you be sure?"

"I can't, I guess. Just think so."

Mira was quiet for a while. She set out some more shots. They downed them. "Well," she said, looking around, "it's just us here."

"What are you talking about? Of course, it's just us here."

"Just saying, if you wanted to, it wouldn't make me uncomfortable. Do what you will."

"What? Be nude?"

Mira shrugged her shoulders. "If you wanted to. I'm just saying that this is about as safe an environment you'll get to test out your theory."

Brian stared at her. She poured two more shots and sat them on the little patio table between their lounge chairs. "You're serious."

Mira nodded casually. "Sure."

"You think I won't?"

"I'm just saying if you want to, feel free. It won't bother me or make me uncomfortable or anything."

 "You want to see me naked?"

"Well, no, it's not that I want to. Just that I wouldn't be offended if that's how you would rather be."

Brian looked at Mira for a few moments more. She's trying to play chicken with me. Well, not this time, Mira. "Fair enough, then." He grabbed his shot glass and tossed back the shot. "Cheers."

He stood up from the lounge chair and untied the drawstring on his shorts. Hooking his thumbs under the elastic waistband, he paused as he gave her one final look, then swiftly shoved them down and kicked them away to another part of the gazebo.

Mira was stunned into silence that her step-brother actually went through with it. She stared at him, particularly the parts that were, five seconds ago, covered by his shorts. Finally, she spoke. "I can see now why you wouldn't worry about being embarrassed."

Brian looked down at himself. "What do you mean?"

Mira looked up at him real quick to see if he was serious, then quickly returned her eyes to his soft member. "Are you serious?" she asked, her mouth going a little dry. "You're soft right now, right?"


"And that thing is hanging there what seven or eight inches?"

"I guess."

"And it gets bigger when it gets hard."


Mira looked up at him. "It's like a cock from a fucking porno. I've never seen one like this in real life. Pretty sure none of my friends have, either. Pretty sure no one I know has."

"And that's good or bad?"

"Good, I would think. Definitely not embarrassing."


7:24 PM

"What are you doing?" Brian asked while he treaded water in the middle of the pond.

Mira, standing up in the gazebo and walking towards the water, had reached back and was untying her bikini top. She tossed it back towards the chairs and kept moving closer to the edge of the pond. Now, she was topless.

"Skinny-dipping," she said, "like you."

Besides for his step-mother the other night, this was the first time he'd seen an undressed woman in real life. Mira's breasts were round and perky, if about half the size of her mother's globes. They looked to be a good handful, though, and a little more. Her light pink nipples stuck out as the breeze hit them. Underwater, his cock quickly shot to hard. He couldn't control it.

Mira picked up on his frozen look. "Brian?" she asked. "Brian?"

"Uh, yeah. What's up?"

"Are you okay?" she asked, the slight curve of a grin formed on her lips.

"Uh, yeah."

She thought about it for a minute. "Have you ever had a naked girl around you before?" Brian shook his head.

Mira untied the ties that held the bottom of her bikini and she tossed those back towards the gazebo as well. Brian caught a glimpse of the bare, clean shaven skin and the beginning of a slit disappearing between her thighs, before she dove into the water. She popped up right in front of him.

"So," she said, wiping the wet hair back out of her face, "does that mean that you haven't got to have sex yet?"

Brian shook his head.

"Oh, man. Have you ever even gotten to touch a girl?"

Brian was blushing a bit. It was apparent even here in the dim light of dusk and patio string lights. "One time, I felt this girl's boob. But it was over her shirt and stuff. I didn't actually touch it."

Mira scooted closer to her brother. "I'm sorry." Her thigh brushed against his erection under the water. She knew what it was. He knew that she knew what it was, and he was trying to think of some way to explain it. Before he could though, she asked, "Is this because of me?"

"I'm sorry," Brian sighed.

"No, don't be sorry. I'm not offended or anything, it's actually kind of a compliment. It just never occurred to me that I might have that sort of effect on you."

Brian laughed at that. It didn't help, or maybe it did, that he was pretty drunk at this point. "Really? Look at you. You have that effect on everyone."

Underwater, Mira's hand reached down and took hold of her brother's raging erection. She started stroking it.

"Mira," Brian gasped, "what are you doing?"

"Helping you out, big brother. I caused the problem. It's the least I could do, don't you think?" She smiled at him.

"You're drunk..."

"Yeah," she said, continuing to masturbate him, "so are you. So are we both. And it's just us. It'll be our little secret." With her other hand she grabbed one of his and brought it up to cup her bare breast. "How does that feel?"

"Ohh," Brian said in wonder, his mouth getting sticky and his throat going dry. He brought his other hand up to cup her other breast and started kneading them in his hands. "Wonderful."

Mira's stroking got faster as she jacked him off underwater. She decided she liked how his cock felt. It's long. Wide. Hard. Maybe it was the tequila. It wasn't long though between touching tits for the first time ever and having a naked woman standing in front of him jacking him off at the same time that Brian's body began to jerk and he came, releasing his pent up load out into the water between their bodies.

"There," Mira said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He had his eyes closed, and his hands still held their grip on her tits. "Feel better now?"

"Oh god," Brian sighed in satisfaction.

"Remember," Mira warned, "our little secret. The nudity and all."



Day 3 - Monday

1:13 AM

Mira tip-toed across the hallway. When she came to Brian's door, she checked the handle just to make sure whether or not it was locked. It was. But this time she had come prepared. She pulled out her student ID card, the closest thing she could think of in a pinch to a credit card, and slipped it into the jam of the door. With a few wiggles, the latch opened and she slowly, and quietly, opened his door and stepped into his dark room. When she closed the door back, she jiggled the handle to make sure it would still be locked. It was.

Tip-toeing over to his bed, Mira saw that Brian was sound asleep. She lifted up the sheet that covered him, and, sure enough, he actually was nude under it. Gently she slipped into the bed with him under the sheet and scooted up against his side. The motion of the bed shaking slightly served to wake him up.

"Mira?" He said sleepily, not being able to see really well in the dark with blurry eyes.

"Yeah," she answered rolling over onto her side to face him. "It's me."

"How did you get in here?"

"I broke in. Don't worry about it."

Still not getting it, Brian asked, "What's going on?"

"Well," Mira began, "remember how I helped you out earlier?"

Brian chuckled. "How could I forget?"

"Do you want to help me out?"

"What do you mean?"

"This is still all our little secret right? The parents can never find out."


Mira grabbed his hand and moved it to press against her stomach. Then she moved it down, over her panties and slid it in between her thighs. "I want you to help me out. Do you want to?"

Brian was wide awake now. Confused, but awake. And willing. "Yeah. Yeah, okay."

Mira giggled a little bit at his eagerness. "Good." She sat up, throwing the sheet off of them both, uncovering the entirety of the mattress. Brian lay there, completely naked, watching her, wondering what was coming next. He watched as she undid the buttons of her pajama top, one by one, and threw it to the floor. Then she slithered out of her red panties, and got back down beside him in the bed. She grabbed his hand and moved it back between her legs, rubbing it through her already wet and open folds. "Ohhhh," she moaned softly.

Brian couldn't resist the urge, with his sister there lying naked and flat on her back, to bend his head down and take one of her pointy nipples into his mouth, so he did.

"Ah-" Mira gasped at the unexpected sensation. "Oh yeah, good boy. Oh, that feels good." She brought her free hand up to caress her free breast while her other hand directed Brian in his efforts over her pussy.

"Do you feel that?" she whispered as she felt his fingertips rub over her clit.


Brian moved his thumb onto the spot she had pointed out to him. Then he, experimenting, slid his first two fingers downwards until they found somewhere to enter. When they slipped inside her, Mira arched her back up off the bed and started breathing harder.

"Now," she breathed heavily, rolling her hips around on his hand, "in and out. Rub that spot, my clit. And do it hard and fast." The hand that was on her breast shot out and took hold of Brian's cock beside her and quickly started stroking it for the second time this night.

"Oh, fuck," Brian grunted at the unexpected.

"Shhhh," Mira whispered.

In a frenzy of motion, shoving themselves into each other's hands, pleasuring each other with their hands it wasn't long before Mira came, and the sight of that drove Brian over the edge. He shot his load out all over her hip and thigh.

"Sorry about that," he apologized as they came down.

Mira rolled over, took is face in her hands, and planted a light kiss on his lips. She giggled a little. "Don't worry about it, big brother, I don't mind." She sat up and grabbed her shirt from the foot of the bed and slipped it back on. She only fastened enough buttons to minimally cover her assets.

"Our secret right?" she asked. "Messing around, helping each other out?"

Brian nodded. What else was he going to do? He didn't understand, really, anything that had happened between him and Mira this night, other than the fact that he had finally got to see a naked woman, touch her all over, while at the same time getting two hand jobs from her. Even if it was his sister. Well, step-sister.

She smiled down at him, leaned over and gave him another light kiss. "Good answer," she said, grinning. She grabbed her panties from the foot of the bed. "These are for you. Keep them, they smell like me," and she tossed them over to him.

Mira hopped up from the bed and tip-toed back over to the door, her bare ass glowing in the moonlight from the window. She opened the door, peeked out, smiled back at Brian and slipped out into the hall and back to her room.

Brian brought the damp, lacy panties up to his nose and inhaled. He sighed. They did smell like her.

3 Things Ch. 01 — Daughter becomes Daddy's third fetish

There are three things that instantly make my cock hard. The first is the prospect of getting caught. Whether engaging in sex in public or engaging in sex acts that I wouldn't want anyone to know about, the potential for getting busted really makes my nuts ache. The second thing is cumming inside a woman. I hate condoms, I hate pulling out, I love slamming my dick as deep in a pussy as I can get and letting it fly. That being the case, I've had two children and I had them young. My daughter was born when I was 18, and my son was born when I was 19. I've stayed with their mother for close to twenty years and while I still love her, she is NOT one of the three things that instantly makes my cock hard. In fact, the third and final thing is my sexy daughter.

Unlike the first two, my daughter, Gabrielle, only recently became a sexual fascination of mine. Don't get me wrong, I've been looking for a lot longer than would be considered "right" by societal standards, but it was only in these last few months that I can't look or even think about her without calculating in my mind the fastest, most inconspicuous way to empty my balls and relieve my hard on. Ironically it started when I caught her in a rather compromising position. It was late, but the need to piss woke me up from a sound sleep. As soon as I finished that pressing business a sixth sense told me to check on the kids. To this day, I can't thank fate enough.

Given the hour, I was surprised to see the faint glow from the living room television as soon as I cracked my bedroom door. Without too much suspicion I made my way towards the stairs figuring one of the kids had fallen asleep on the couch watching it. I wasn't being sneaky, just quiet so I wouldn't disturb anyone who was sleeping peacefully. Halfway down the stairs I heard soft moaning. Female moaning. I wondered briefly if my son would be brave enough to watch a porno on the family television, but then I heard a male voice between the breathy sighs saying, "Gabby, shhh."

Immediately my heart started pounding, but I didn't pause. If anything, I stepped up the pace a bit and descended the rest of the stairs as quickly as possible. I peeked around the corner into the living room and the rest of my life changed. My beautiful, sexy as sin daughter, whom I'd been casually admiring for awhile now was laying on the couch flat on her back with her shirt pulled up revealing her fabulous tits. Her on again, off again boyfriend Mitch-something was beside her squeezed along the back of the couch alternating between thrusting his tongue in her mouth and using his tongue on her closest nipple. One of his hands held both of hers against the arm of the sofa above her head. His other hand was snaked beneath her denim skirt. Based on the rhythmic moving of his right arm it was obvious my little girl was getting finger fucked and based on the sounds she was making, she was really enjoying it.

My cock turned to fucking stone in an instant. I thought about my next move. Barge in and embarrass them both, screaming like a crazed father? Not really my style. Besides, I was in boxers and I already mentioned, my dick was not lounging around casually. Go upstairs and coerce my wife into middle of the night sex? I could do that, but then she might catch these kids and she would definitely embarrass them. I already knew what I wanted and was doing it even before consciously making the decision. My hand had disappeared into the waistband of my underwear. It was already gripping my hard cock. "Yeah," I thought. "Stroke your cock in the middle of the hallway with your daughter and her date ten feet away and your wife right upstairs." Just thinking about either of them catching me sent pre-cum oozing into my hand.

I continued to watch my princess writhe on the couch under the ministrations of that young man while I slid my fist from one end of my erection to the other. Each flicker of the television showed me more. Her pebbled nipples on what were in fact a little more than average sized tits for the rest of her frame. Her wet swollen lips. I could even see her thighs tensing every couple of seconds as she got closer and closer to cumming.

My own hand seemed to keep time with the one abusing my daughters cunt. The faster Mitch pounded his fingers into Gabby, the faster I jacked off imagining it was my dick thrusting inside of her. My baby's breathing became even more labored and her eyes were squeezed shut so tight I would have thought she was in pain if her face were the only thing I could see. But no, it was total fucking pleasure, she loved everything Mitch did to her.

"Gonna cum for me, Gabby?" It was so quiet I could barely hear the kid, but my baby's answering nod was loud as fuck. She was about to cum. My fist jerked my cock faster than it ever had and my breathing became panting I was sure would give away my hiding spot. But almost as soon as I'd made up my mind to just let go and soak the inside of my boxers, I was immediately yanking my hand away. "I wanna taste you first," he'd said. Holy fuck. I had to will my body to hold back the orgasm that was threatening to shatter me at just the thought of what I was about to witness. And sure as shit, the kids started shifting around on the sofa.

"Keep your shirt up baby and play with your tits." I didn't know much about this kid, but he was my new fucking hero. He helped Gabrielle sit up and swing her legs out so her feet met the floor, but they didn't stay there. Faster than I could have done it, Mitch shimmied her skirt up to her waist, grabbed her hips and yanked her toward where he knelt on the floor, flinging each of my daughter's knees over his shoulders.

Christ, the blue light from the tv gave me too brief and too distorted a view of her sweet pussy, but that was alright because my imagination was filling in all the gaps. I was almost sort of stunned and had to shake my head slightly to get myself back in the moment. My balls literally ached. My cock felt like it might explode. And then my daughter was covering her mouth and biting her tiny hand to keep the sound locked down once Mitch buried his face between her thighs.

I couldn't take it. I was seconds away from throwing Mitch across the room and taking his place. I needed to fuck. Every animal instinct we're ingrained with was literally rising to the surface in my own body. Not giving a fuck about anything except cumming, I yanked my boxers off my hips and took a second to look down at my own leaking cock. To keep my baby girl within my sights yet support my own body which was about to collapse from want, I stepped out of the cover of the hallway and braced my left hand high against walkway wall. I gathered most of the pre-cum collecting at the head of my cock and worked it down the shaft with my right fist. And from that moment on, I never took my eyes off my daughter.

Her eyes were closed again, almost as tight as her thighs closed around the boy's head. He used his arms to spread her wide open, but her knees quickly fought against his hold. Her hips moved up and down, no doubt grinding her perfect cunt lips against his face. I could hear faint sounds of his tongue flicking wet flesh and the small moans he made when he probably closed his lips and sucked her clit. But the smell. Christ I could smell my baby's excited little pussy. It was undeniable and it sent me into another realm.

My fist hammered up and down my cock, making its own wet flesh noises. My lips parted to expel my ragged panting breath and refused to close again. And my eyes glared straight at my daughter's gorgeous face. "Look at me baby," I thought. My own voice was screaming inside my head, but Gabrielle could not hear it. "Look at what you're doing to Daddy!" I willed her big brown eyes to open and shifted even further away from my old hiding spot, inching dangerously close to blocking the television's glow from their bodies.

My hips started moving, fucking my own hand. "Fuck, baby girl, watch Daddy. Watch Daddy stroke his cock!" The only proof I hadn't spoken out loud was that neither teen stopped what they were doing. Mitch added his fingers to his task, pumping them in and out of her even more savagely than before and Gabrielle's body bowed up off the couch in response.

My daughter reached out and wound her fist into her date's hair. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum," she whispered.

My nuts tightened and drew up tight. My spine felt like it had caught fire. And I stroked my cock with ferocity. "That's right baby, cum for Daddy. Daddy needs to see you cum little girl!"

Both hands flew to her mouth to hold it closed and her whole body started shaking. Mitch grabbed her hips with both hands and tried to hold her still but it was no use, she was humping up against him, almost thrashing on the sofa.

Right in the middle of coming on his face, Gabrielle's eyes flew open and immediately landed on me, the extra body in the room. She jerked hard from surprise once but could not stop what was already happening to her body. Her wide eyes locked on mine and I could tell the instant she registered exactly what was happening. She caught her Daddy masturbating to the sight of her and it sent me over the edge.

Staring right into my daughter's eyes I stroked my cock once, twice more and then let go. I threw my free hand down in front of the swollen head and started shooting rope after rope of thick cum into my own palm. I had to bite hard on my lip to keep from shouting the house down. I don't know how Gabby's whimpers covered up the small grunts that I could not repress with every blast of cum that emerged, but Mitch seemed none the wiser. His movements had slowed, but he was still servicing my daughter, bringing her down gently.

When the last of my spunk oozed from my dick I finally tore my gaze from Gabby's still shocked expression. My hand was full. I hadn't cum so hard or so much since I was sixteen years old and it was all thanks to my baby girl. Without making another sound I turned and headed back up the stairs with my still stiff cock leading the way to the hallway bathroom.

Once my hands were clean and dry, I slid my boxers back up my thighs to cover myself, opened the door, clicked off the light and turned toward my bedroom. I barely heard the sound of our front door latching shut. I looked down the hallway while I slid my own bedroom door quietly closed and at the last second, saw the light from the television in the living room disappear.

3 The Power of Avalon — The sexiest building there is and a houseguest

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